Monday, April 2, 2012

Christina D'Amato Miller/ Carol A. Volini

Christina D'Amato Miller
Carol A. Volini

This Attorney is corrupt and unethical! If she is on your case beware and fair warned. She has a reputation to fight unfair and unethical. We as people want a fair day in court in whatever situation, family law, civil suits, whatever your case maybe. She seemed nice at first. She is divorced and has her own problems with domestic violence. In my particular run in with her was in 2006 till 2008 and she was the opposing parties attorney. She was fighting for the mother to regain full custody (the mother already lost custody due to abuse) of a little girl and take it from the father. This child at the time was 2 years old and living with the father and step-mom. The attorney client (the mother)was a convicted felon with a history of instability and drug use. The attorney did not care about details she just wanted to win and get PAID! So she fought hard and unfair. There was so much in this case with the police and Department of children and families that the court ordered a Guardian Aid Litem to speak for the child. Well unknown to the father and Step-mom that This attorney and G.A.L were family through marriage to one another and never should have been on the same case due to conflict of interest. The Client step-dad had also previous history with the G.A.L. These people got desperate to get custody due to having no dirt on the dad and step-mom they thought to create some of their own. The client and her parents with the help of this dirty Attorney and G.A.L Went make up disgusting accusation with sexual abuse of child on child. Yes you heard me correct a 2 and 3 year old being accused of sticking toys of vagina's   and rubbing till got sore. It was sick and demented and this attorney helped create and fight. It was researched and the clients daughter a 2 year old at the time had to go the child advocacy center to be examined by strangers, stripped naked at the age of two to be examined in her vagina. All cause her mom wanted custody so she did not have to pay child support!! the Guardian was to protect this baby girl and yet she was exposing her to such sick situations  cause of this attorney request. After all that it of course was found to be untrue. Then this sick, dirty unethical attorney filled an Injunction for protection against sexual abuse that again even after it was found to be untrue and she knew it but being desperate her and this G.A.L came to the hearing ready to fight and get this little girl taken from her daddy. Well the judge found it to untrue also! I am more disturbed by Carol Volini she was to be the voice for this child and look what she was  doing for a family member. Both which were in good standing with the Florida Bar. I would fight Carol Volini but she recently passed away. Christina D'Amato Miller will be dealt with sooner or later! I just want to let innocent people aware of how crooked she is! The end of the story is her client did win and the the judge was rescued off the case but before that the mother did win and get full custody but she was only able to keep it for a little over a year. She was unstable with the child and was arrested numerous times, in and out of Methadone Clinic and about 5 different residents. All with the help of these two people who were suppose to protect her.

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